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The Central European Initiative (CEI) was founded in Budapest on 11 November 1989. It is a regional intergovernmental forum committed to supporting European integration and sustainable development through cooperation between and among its Member Statesandwith the European Union, international and regional organisations as well as with other public or private institutions and non-governmental organisations. While acting as a platform for political dialogue, the CEI has developed a strong operational, result-oriented approach to regional cooperation. It combines multilateral diplomacy and fund, programme and project management as both donor and recipient.The everyday CEI activities are handled by the CEI-Executive Secretariat in Trieste, including the development and implementation of projects.

CEI Brochure 

Normandy’s history is inextricably linked to the ideas of peace, freedom and Human rights.The Normandy for Peace initiative is the result of the Region’s desire to continue the work which began in 1945 to promote remembrance in Normandy and to become a laboratory for lasting peace. It was in this spirit that in 2017 the Normandy Region launched “Normandy for Peace”, a global initiative with events programmed in Normandy and abroad to promote the universal values of peace and freedom, as well as a World Forum linked each year to the commemorations of 6 June 1944 and the Battle of Normandy.

Normandy for peace Brochure 

The Western Balkans Fund (WBF) is an international organization located  in Tirana, Albania, founded by the governments of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo *, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Its establishment, as an all-inclusive and regionally owned initiative, is considered as a clear sign of a new cooperation spirit taking roots in the Balkans. WBF aims  to promote cooperation and the common values between citizens, civil society and people to people contacts, by providing funding for small and medium projects.

WBF Brochure

Regional Youth Compact for Europe is a cooperation initiative launched by 14 CSOs from the EU, Western Balkans and Turkey with the aim to enhance the effective participation of civil society and youth organisations in the EU integration and accession negotiation process through capacity building, awareness raising and advocacy actions organised at local, national and regional level.  This multi-annual project brings together diverse stakeholders and opens up the space for increased youth engagement in policy dialogue, advocacy and monitoring of the progress achieved in Western Balkan countries.  This initiative is implemented by the Center for Democracy Foundation enriched by the great experience of the European ALDA network and the ALDA – Western Balkans Network for Local Democracy, including also CRTA from Serbia, Youth Act from Albania and SODEM from Turkey. This project is funded by the European Union.

Regional Youth Compact for Europe Brochure

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