
Understanding Western Balkan: Youth Compact training

Beginning June the 22nd and running until the 23rd, the Regional Youth Compact for Europe is hosting a webinar event called the “Western Balkan Youth Capacity Building Corner,” in which participants will learn about the EU integration process and the societal and economic reforms that need to take place on the local, national, and regional levels, especially with the possibility of accession for the Western Balkans. The last time project activities were hosted involving this topic was 2 years ago.

These workshop activities will come in the form of over 8 training sessions over two days, from 10:00-16:00 both days, with the expectations to get ready for the unexpected.

It is obvious that participating in this will sharpen the skills and knowledge of the youth in terms of development networks. In terms of activities taking place during the webinar, this includes capacity-building programs, information campaigns, learning tools, guides, research studies, e-participation tools, and online co-operation platforms for knowledge and resources. 

We encouraged the youth from Youth Compact partners to participate if they care about capacity-building projects within the Western Balkans, as this will be an effective and youth-friendly way to strengthen one’s expertise in this area. 

Posted: Jun 21, 2021,
Comments: 0,
Author: Svetlana

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