
The Youth regional forum: We will do it together!

The Youth regional forum: We will do it together!

On the 7th of November 2019, Balkan youngsters gathered in Prishtina for the Regional Youth thematic forum. 

The forum tackled the topic “Youth in the region: seeking strategic responses to meet the challenges of demography and labour market trends” in order to deepen the common understanding of the accession negotiation process with particular focus on the Chapter 19: Social Policy and Employment. 

The main goal of the forum was to establish a youth network will work as a network of young students and activists empowered for monitoring EU related reforms within the EU integration processes. 

The youngsters had opportunity to discover the project and the value of the Youth Regional Youth compact for Europe Network and to talk about the future modalities of the Network as Research, Activism and communication. 

The participants gave their opinions on how to improve the platform, where suggestions were made order the make the platform more community friendly, to increase trust in civil society and create a sense of belonging. 

The project “Regional Youth Compact for Europe” is implemented by the Center for Democracy Foundation, European ALDA network and the ALDA – Western Balkans Network for Local Democracy, CRTA, Youth Act and Sodem. This project is funded by the European Union and the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Posted: Nov 8, 2019,
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