
The international workshop in Mostar has officialy started

The international workshop in Mostar has officialy started












The international workshop “Rule of law and fundamental rights – why is it important for the youth and how youth can contribute to monitor reforms in these fields” organized by LDA Mostar in the framework of the project “Regional Youth Compact for Europe” has officialy started. 

The workshop is divided into three different sections, each one embracing a particular theme.
At the first day of the international conference the participants will have the opportunity to get familiar with rule of law and fundamental rights- why is it important for the youth and how youth can contribute to monitor reforms in these fields.

The second day will contain both the second and the third workshop which will cover the themes regarding education, employment, labor market reforms, decent work standards, social cohesion, youth and the future of work on one hand and good governance and public administration reform from youth perspective on the other hand.

The aim of this training is empowering young people, enabling them to have a better understanding of the content of reforms in these fields, key actors and stakeholders’ attitudes on one hand, and how to face obstacles and learn more about the methods of measuring implementation of the the reforms and the time needed, on the other hand.

The project “Regional youth compact for Europe” is implemented by the Center for Democracy Foundation, Balkan Network for Local Democracy, CRTA, Youth Act and Sodem. This project is funded by the European Union and the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Posted: Mar 25, 2019,
Comments: 0,
Author: Svetlana

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