Local advisory group of young people that’s been created last year in the framework of the project "Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue" continues to operate in 2016. Local advisory group from Prijedor is composed of active young people, members of the high school student councils of the City of Prijedor, representatives of youth organizations and representatives of organizations working with young people in the area of Prijedor.
The main goal of the local advisory group of young people is to be a link between local communities and regional networks of young people.
The first meeting of the Local Advisory Group of youth from Prijedor was held on March 7th 2016. During this meeting we presented and assessed the activities conducted during 2015 and the plan of activities for 2016. We also presented the recommendations arising from the comparative analysis and a review of policies and legal framework for participation of young people across the Balkans.
Members of the Local Advisory Group of young people in 2016 will monitor, advise and implement project activities, and participate in consultative meetings. They will also work on developing a regional newsletter and content for platform website. Members of the Local Advisory Group will work on making a public call for small grants at local level, and also get involved in the implementation of research on the situation of young people in the local community.
The meeting focused on the implementation of different activities, including "Youth taking over day", on which the members of the Local Advisory Group of young people will be working on. The purpose of this activity is that young people during their meeting with representatives of local authorities, learn about their work on issues of interest to young people and also to suggest some of the recommendations for improving the situation of young people in the local community.
The project "Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue" is financed by the European Union through the Civil Society Facility, Operating grants IPA CSO Associations, Support to regional thematic associations.