
Regional online forum: “Western Balkans Tourism in the spotlight”

Connecting touristic places is like connecting people, you give them chance and voice to speak up, share their beauty and experience, tell stories. The “Western Balkans Tourism in the spotlight” forum will be organized with that aim in mind, to connect the Western Balkans trough tourism, a challenge existing and peaking the interest of Balkan tourists for a long period of times.

In order to foster that connection, the project WB Cultours: Cultural tours in Western Balkans offers the chance to touristic workers from WB6 to meet and talk on the Regional online forum entitled “Western Balkans Tourism in the spotlight” which will be held on the 19th of May 2021, starting at 10h on Zoom. 

The passion for travels remain the same, as the tourists and landscapes change. The regional online forum will tackle just that challenge, rediscover the local and regional tourists, what offer would wake their passion to visit local and regional touristic places and what tools we can use to modernize the tourism sector in the Balkans. 

Touristic guides, workers and enthusiasts will share their experience about the topic of Tourism in Western Balkans, and also hear about experiences and stories from Normandy. 
Conceived as a series of discussion points and short presentations, the forum is open for all interested in sharing their experiences. It will offer to the participants a perfect meeting point, to network, make connections or even create a joint touristic offer. 

The forum will be the perfect occasion to promote the Cultours mobile application that offers 3 tours to visit 9 monuments in the Western Balkans, a mobile tour all travel enthusiast who would like to rediscover Balkan forgotten history. 

The project WB Cultours: Cultural tours in Western Balkans is implemented by the Balkan network for Local democracy and financed by the Western Balkans Fund.

You can register for the event on the following LINK.

Posted: May 14, 2021,
Categories: Project,
Comments: 0,
Author: Svetlana

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Politeia 2021: Politeia Goes Digital on the 7th of May

The Politeia school opens its doors again for the Balkan youth but this time virtually. The Center for Democracy Foundation’s traditional summer school will continue educate youngsters, this year through the project Regional Youth Compact for Europe in a new digital format. 

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Catch a glimpse of Politeia: The lecture of Ivan Vejvoda

The third day of „POLITEIA Western Balkans School for Youth Participation“was held on the 11th of May 2021.  The introduction was given by Nataša Vučković, Executive Director of Center for Democracy Foundation. Topic was „European Union and Western Balkans: predictable future? Other’s actors in Western Balkans – chance or obstacle for EU integration?“ and lecturer was Ivan Vejvoda from Institute for Human Sciences - Austria.

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It takes two to Tango: EU and Western Balkans

The Politeia session on the 13th of May held by prof. Gordana Đurović (Faculty of Economics, University of Podgorica, Montenegro) had an interesting topic “It takes two to Tango: The Western Balkans European perspectives".

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