
Our lives during the pandemic


We are facing a very difficult situation at the moment but we can also take advantages out of it, if we use all that time properly. One of the most sensitive topics for me during these time, has been our fundamentals rights and the danger they are facing. Till now several governments have been giving to their self much more power than democracy predicts. For example, Albania has derogated from the European Convention of Human Rights.

From the other hand many people have been left with no jobs and this is a big punch for these people and the economy of the country, and many businesses will collapse or find it hard to recover and employment with be of a lower scale.

Two of the social rights that have been mostly threaten are: the rights of education and health.

This virus has been a great threat to health services especially.

“The COVID-19 crisis is a brutal reminder of the importance of ensuring lasting progress with respect to social rights enjoyment, particularly through the development of universal public health services. The pandemic shows in practical terms the indivisibility of human rights. It is crucial that the European Social Charter, also known as the Social Constitution of Europe, is used to shape human rights-compliant responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and to take stock once the crisis is over. The Charter, together with its monitoring mechanisms - reporting and collective complaints - are excellent tools for the reconstruction efforts that will follow.”

 Giuseppe Palmisano, President of the European Committee of Social Rights said.

The right to health is a fundamental part of our human rights and of our understanding of a life in dignity. In times of pandemic crisis, the guarantee of human rights is as important as ever and responses to the crisis must be human rights sensitive. Article 11 of the European Social Charter enshrines the right to the highest possible standard of health and the right of access to health care.

Regarding to education it has been difficult especially for some students and pupils who live on remote areas and they have no access to the internet and don’t have the right equipment to access neather.

Many things now are developing online, including here the diplomacy also.

Even the summit for the European future of Albania and North Macedonia will be held online.

This COVID19 lock down it has been a good experience for me. I took enough time to study, to chill, to read books and to watch my favorite movies.

I had a long time reflecting also and i think everybody should do that. Just to stop for a moment and to evaluate everything it has, including the minimal things.

I have been in touch with my friends from Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey during this period. We exchanged ideas of how to make this quarantine look more attractive. I hope that after this period ends, we will have more opportunities to meet again in any workshop in Balkans and our regional cooperation grows stronger.

Marjana Koceku

Posted: Sep 7, 2020,
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« December 2020 »
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
30 1

New opportunities for young people!

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Youth jobs, schooling, filling the skills void of the workforce — the problem facing the people of Kosovo.

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EU accession and youth participation on local level

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“Cultours” – regional panel discussions

On the 22nd December 2020 two online regional panel discussions were organised within the project “Cultours”. The virtual events discussed the topic of “Shared cultural heritage, factor for intercultural dialogue in the Balkans” and “Memorial tourism, potential for local development and cultural understanding”. The debates gathered around 40 participants, 9 speakers and 4 experienced moderators from the Balkan region and European Union.  

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First local elections held in the City of Mostar in 12 years

BNLD welcomes the comeback of the democratic processes in the City of Mostar

Citizens of Mostar have finally voted for their city councillors on December 20th on the first local elections held in 12 years.

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