It would be our pleasure to invite you to “Towards a culture of youth participation in public dialogue” - First Balkan Youth Forum for Promotion of Local Democracy. The event will be organized in the City Hall in Subotica, on 21 September 2015, at 10:00.
The conference will bring together about 60 participants, members of the Regional Network for Local Democracy (eight Centers of local democracy in five countries), local authorities, representatives from the ministries of WBC, youth NGOs, and NGOs dealing with the empowerment of young people, national youth network, umbrella organizations from the region and partner organizations from the EU. The aim of the event is to promote regional platform for cooperation between civil society organizations and public authorities that encourages youth participation in public policy, targeting young people with less opportunities.
This conference is organized in the framework of the project "Balkan Regional Platform for youth participation and dialogue" funded by the European Union, through the Civil Society Facility - Operating Grants to IPA CSO Associations (Support to Regional Thematic Associations). This project is implemented by ALDA in cooperation with 8 Balkan LDA Agencies from Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Macedonia.
For more information please check our program: