
INFORMING FUTURE ACTIVISTS – Info Day on Law of Youth Participation and Policies in Prilep

On Tuesday, June 2nd 2021, the Youth Council of Prilep held an Info Day dedicated to information about the basic principles and promotion of Law on Youth Participation and Youth Policies, as part of the project “Regional Youth Compact for Europe,” funded by the European Union. 

During the event, over 150 people, mostly the younger generations, albeit with some senior citizens mixed in, learned about what they can do in order to participate in policy-making among other things at their age. 

When it comes to the exchange of the information, it was largely given out in the form of flyers and direct contact for the youth, introducing the basics of participation to many potential future contributors and activists. 

The participants learned about information such as the work of government institutions and procedures, what can be done with youth participation in policies and decision-making of governments, activism, volunteering, structural dialogues, etc. 

The younger generations are the future of decision-making, so it can be said that this event was beneficial for the youth of Prilep when it comes to knowing what they can do and empowering future decisions to participate in policy-making. Forming partnerships between the generations proves itself to be beneficial and contributes to the creation of possible future leaders. 

Posted: Jun 14, 2021,
Comments: 0,
Author: Svetlana

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