On the 5th of September 2018, the Youth Information Center INFO SEGA Kavadarci celebrated three years of successful work with a Grand reopening of the office. After a series of renovations and improvements the Youth Information Center is ready to continue its excellent work in the field of youth and inspire youngsters.
The Youth Information Center INFO SEGA in Kavadarci was first opened in 2015 with the support of the project Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue, the Program for decentralized cooperation between the Region of Normandy and Macedonia, the Municipality of Kavadarci and the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA.
Since then the local activities of the project Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue are implemented by the Youth engagement worker stationed in the center.
A great number of young people touched by the past actions of the Centar participated in the reopening to offer their support in its efforts, which is proof of the devotion and hard work this Center has invested to encourage the young people to be more involved in their community.