
Fourth meeting of the Local Advisory Group from Knjaževac

The fourth meeting of the Advisory Group was held in Knjaževac on December the 18th. As in previous years, at this meeting, which we traditionally held at the end of the year, we summarized results which were achieved during the year, what we might have done better and what we need to do more on.

During the year we had a lot of cultural activities, which we worked through LDA Knjaževac and with the support of other organizations and institutions, as well as with the support of the local self-government. We made even more agreements and arrangements, a lot of students from elementary and secondary schools have joined our group. Through the project "Ambassadors of knowledge" which was implemented by LDA Knjaževac,young people get interested in educating their peers, we had "Share the planet with Brazil" and "Knjazevac is where friends are". We had the exchange of youth correspondents – guests from LDA Kosovo have visited Knjazevac during the summer, and our correspondents Kaja and Ivan were guests in Bosnia.

We will have a couple of final activities until the end of a Year, and we can proudly say that 2017.was a very successful  year.

Posted: Dec 20, 2017,
Categories: Project,
Comments: 0,
Author: Svetlana

« December 2017 »
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
27 28 29

Youth Correspondent from Subotica on Intercultural Exchange in Mostar

Dusica Vojnic Kortmis from Subotica participated in the youth exchange programme in Mostar, from 4th – 7th July, within Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue. 

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Fourth meeting of the Local Advisory Group from Knjaževac

The fourth meeting of the Advisory Group was held in Knjaževac on December the 18th. As in previous years, at this meeting, which we traditionally held at the end of the year, we summarizeresults which were achieved during the year, what we might have done better and what we need to do more on.
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Youngsters create Intercultural map of Peja

During two days of workshop “My City- Intercultural City” that was held in Peja, within the aim of the activity,the youngsters created the map of cultural monuments and streets of the city of Peja named “Peja- Inter Cultural City”.

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Youngsters from Knjaževac about cultural participation

Knjaževac isn’t a big city but, compared to how much people, time and wishes we have, we are fairly good when it comes to cultural participation of young people. We have various annual cultural festivals, frequent book presentations and art exhibitions, we initiate cultural projects etc. Having said that, it can always be better. We are going forward and every day we are trying harder. 

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Five days is just right

This was only the second time we visited Macedonia, and for first time Skopje and Kavadarci. The trip was rough, both to and back, but the scenery is irreplaceable. The route was Mostar – Sarajevo – Tuzla – Belgrade and finally Skopje. 

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