Posted: Oct 2, 2017

Youth Correspondents from Niksic on Intercultural Exchange in Peja

Tanja Rabrenovic and Bojana Radovic, Youth Correspondents from Niksic, were in Peja on intercultural exchange from 13th to 16th of August hosted by Local Democracy Agency Kosovo. 

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Posted: Oct 2, 2017

Youth Correspondents from Prijedor on intercultural exchange in Niksic

Local Democracy Agency Montenegro hosted two youth correspondents, Maja Kos and Vesna Gajic, both representatives of the Local Democracy Agency Prijedor, in the period from 24th of August to 27th of August. The aim of this activity is to facilitate intercultural exchanges between different communities in the region, familiarize local cultural heritage, local cultural scene, and strengthen the links between young people through the exchange of correspondents.

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« October 2017 »
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Youth correspondents exchange Knjazevac – Zavidovici – Strani Vari 2017

“Strani Vari” is a project that the Local democracy agency of Zavidovici has been implementing for 14 years already. It’s being implemented in partnership with Italian volunteers from the Association “Strani Vari” from Alba, Italy. The name of the project very vividly depicts the project itself. T
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Subotica - The city of multiculturalism

The Youth correspondents from Subotica have created a video about the cultural participation in their municipality. 

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Third Balkan Youth Forum in Peja, Kosovo: Youth Cultural Participation in Focus

The 3rd Regional youth forum for local democracy will take place from 18th to 20th October in Peja and Prishtina. The topic of the forum is “Youth cultural participation in focus”. 

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Youth culture in Kavadarci, Macedonia

Youth culture is the way adolescents live, and the norms values, and practices they share. Culture is the shared symbolic systems, and processes of maintaining and transforming those systems. Youth culture differs from the culture of older generations. 

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7 LDAs and ALDA Skopje supported 20 local youth initiatives in the Balkans

20 initiatives created and implemented by around 100 youngsters from the Balkans were supported through our Local Youth Fund this year. Most of the 20 awarded youth initiatives were results of the work of non-formal groups. The Local Youth Fund supported youth initiatives and projects which explored the topic of culture and youth participation in the local community. 

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70 Dilde Yabancı Dil Seslendirme, Televizyon Reklam Filmleri, Kurumsal Tanıtım Filmleri, Radyo Reklam Spotları, Radyo Jingle ve Dj Jingle Servisi, Kapalı Devre Radyo, Mağaza Radyo, Mağaza Anons ve Kesintisiz Müzik Yayıncılık Sistemleri, IVR Seslendirme, Santral Anons ve Santral Seslendirme, Siyasi Parti Reklam ve Seçim Kampanyaları.

Seslendirme projeleriniz için şu alt başlıklarda sizlere hizmet sunmaktayız, Reklam Seslendirme, Santral Seslendirme, Tanıtım Filmi Seslendirme, Mağaza Anons Seslendirme, Haber Seslendirme, Perfore Seslendirme, Jingle Seslendirme, Seçim Seslendirme, Yabancı Dil Seslendirme, Animasyon Seslendirme, E-Kitap Seslendirme, DJ Jingle Seslendirme, Tesis Anonsu Seslendirme, Sesli Mesaj Seslendirme, Medikal Seslendirme, Belgesel Seslendirme, Sponsorluk Seslendirme, IVR Seslendirme, Eğitim Filmi Seslendirme, Santral Anons Seslendirme. Temsil etitğimiz ve anlaşmalı olan seslendirme ekibimiz sanatçıları projelerinize hayat vermek için sizleri bekliyor. En profesyonel yabancı dil seslendirme çözümlerine en uygun fiyatla sahip olmak istiyorsanız bize telefon, email veya canlı destek hattımız aracılığı ile ulaşmanız yeterli olacaktır.



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