Posted: Sep 18, 2017

Subotica: Being a observer and being observed at the same time

"It's hard to pick up your misfortune in heights. To be a observer and to be observed at the same time," said Danilo Kiš, whom is one of the most important ambassadors of ex-Yugoslav literature on the world stage. Why Kiš is important to us in this story? His life began in the city abouth which we will say the most , and he physically ends up in another town where he was buried, linked to the beginning of this story.

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« September 2017 »
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Knjazevac - a small town with big cultural heritage

From the 8th till 11th July, as correspondents from Local Democracy Agency of Kosovo we visited Knjazevac. The purpose of this visit was to know the culture of this city and to prepare a video reportage and an article for the culture and participation of youth in Knjazevac. Before we start writing the findings on cultural participation in Knjazevac, we think it’s more important at the beginning, to explain the purpose of this youth exchange. This visit is part of the project “Balkan Regional Platform for Youth participation and Dialogue” implemented by 8(eight) Local Democracy Agencies (Pejë, Knjazevac, Subotica, Mostar, Prijedor, Zavidovici, Niksic, Skopje).

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The Balkan platform is great for understanding the diversity on the Balkans - Snezana, youth worker from LDA Montenegro

As part of our Internet awareness raising campaign, our Youth engagement workers take over our Instagram account every Tuesday and show us how it is to be a youth worker in their community. Snezana Milacic, youth worker from LDA Montenegro, took over the account on the 29th of August and prepared a video post where she is answering our questions about youth work. 
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Subotica: Being a observer and being observed at the same time

"It's hard to pick up your misfortune in heights. To be a observer and to be observed at the same time," said Danilo Kiš, whom is one of the most important ambassadors of ex-Yugoslav literature on the world stage. Why Kiš is important to us in this story? His life began in the city abouth which we will say the most , and he physically ends up in another town where he was buried, linked to the beginning of this story.

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Folk music as an expression of nationalism

For a long a time we all were taught to treat folklore as an important part of a country's culture as discipline that deals only with the problem of cultural identity. However, it was not often discussed about the connection between folklore and politics, to be more precise, with nationalism. Folklore has its inseparable connection with nationalism. 
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Youth correspondents exchange Knjazevac – Zavidovici – Strani Vari 2017

“Strani Vari” is a project that the Local democracy agency of Zavidovici has been implementing for 14 years already. It’s being implemented in partnership with Italian volunteers from the Association “Strani Vari” from Alba, Italy. The name of the project very vividly depicts the project itself. T
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Subotica - The city of multiculturalism

The Youth correspondents from Subotica have created a video about the cultural participation in their municipality. 

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70 Dilde Yabancı Dil Seslendirme, Televizyon Reklam Filmleri, Kurumsal Tanıtım Filmleri, Radyo Reklam Spotları, Radyo Jingle ve Dj Jingle Servisi, Kapalı Devre Radyo, Mağaza Radyo, Mağaza Anons ve Kesintisiz Müzik Yayıncılık Sistemleri, IVR Seslendirme, Santral Anons ve Santral Seslendirme, Siyasi Parti Reklam ve Seçim Kampanyaları.

Seslendirme projeleriniz için şu alt başlıklarda sizlere hizmet sunmaktayız, Reklam Seslendirme, Santral Seslendirme, Tanıtım Filmi Seslendirme, Mağaza Anons Seslendirme, Haber Seslendirme, Perfore Seslendirme, Jingle Seslendirme, Seçim Seslendirme, Yabancı Dil Seslendirme, Animasyon Seslendirme, E-Kitap Seslendirme, DJ Jingle Seslendirme, Tesis Anonsu Seslendirme, Sesli Mesaj Seslendirme, Medikal Seslendirme, Belgesel Seslendirme, Sponsorluk Seslendirme, IVR Seslendirme, Eğitim Filmi Seslendirme, Santral Anons Seslendirme. Temsil etitğimiz ve anlaşmalı olan seslendirme ekibimiz sanatçıları projelerinize hayat vermek için sizleri bekliyor. En profesyonel yabancı dil seslendirme çözümlerine en uygun fiyatla sahip olmak istiyorsanız bize telefon, email veya canlı destek hattımız aracılığı ile ulaşmanız yeterli olacaktır.



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