
Daria Knežević: One big and a million small hearts

The internship period of Daria Knežević in CRTA is coming to an end. She spent a month working with the Youth compact team in Belgrade.  

For a month she was full integrated in the CRTA Team with the help pf her mentor Nikola Paunovic, who described in detail the activities of the organization, and also introduced the out-of-office activities and played the role of a guide of CRTA and Belgrade. 

A part from her RYCE activities, she then took part in different CRTA Activities as media monitoring with an emphasis on foreign media influence in Serbia and the IV Academy of Democracy organized by her host organization.

About her internship period she shared with us “I have unquestionably gained experiences of great value for my future, both business and personal life.” And about Belgrade “ Indeed, after so much going on in just a month, I can sense an understanding of how Belgrade has been described by many who have spent their lives on these streets. I, however, was fortunate enough to spend at least one small, small part of my newly started life there and feel the beating of that big heart made up of 1.3 million smaller ones.”

You can read the Daria’s full testimony on her Blog published on CRTA website. 

Regional Youth Compact for Europe is implemented by the Center for Democracy Foundation, European ALDA network and the ALDA – Western Balkans Network for Local Democracy, CRTA, Youth Act and Sodem. This project is funded by the European Union and the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. 

Posted: Mar 16, 2020,
Comments: 0,
Author: Svetlana

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