Posted: Jun 29, 2021

Erasmus, the pandemic, and what there is to be learned

It all started as a passing mention to my friend that I didn’t think much of. “Hey, why don’t we try a student exchange program together? It could be fun.” Fast forward a few months’ worth of planning, work, and convincing of our respective parents later, we experienced what felt to us like a really good dream… complete with the feeling of being woken up early. 

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Posted: Mar 10, 2021

The importance of Youth Mobility

Nowadays, with the emergence of globalization and the development of international cooperation, travelling from one country to another has become a much easier task than it used to be. At the same time, the Youth generation is becoming more and more educated, open to the world and willing to understand our cultural differences, that ultimately represent our strength. A lot of different programs appeared over the years – Erasmus being the most successful one within Europe – and are implemented to give the opportunity of getting a deeper insight about the functioning of another country. How can you learn about the others and their practices if you don’t get to meet them? 

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Posted: Jan 18, 2021

Strengthen regional cooperation to promote youth mobility and increase the chances of joining the EU

Education and training are the tools that every country needs to prepare a given generation for the future. The success of the youth depends on the quality of their education, training, opportunities and rights. People coming from the Balkans are facing serious difficulties to integrate universities and training courses located within the European Union. 

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Posted: Jan 12, 2021

Corruption and social issues in Albania regarding Chapter 23 in the EU accession negotiations

EU has set some key priorities for Albania to get it ready to join EU such as fight against corruption, which is considered to be an issue of concern as it is prevalent in many areas and it threatens the stability of democratic institutions and the rule of law. This area has been a particular focus of the European Union since the opening of negotiations.

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Posted: Dec 29, 2020

Rule of law, fundamental rights (Chapter 23 and 24 in the EU accession negotiations) further develop the region as an area of freedom, security and justice.

There are always doubt when it comes to international law and international organizations or institutions which are supposed to implement the law and ensure that rule of law is at the top of priorities. It is understandable, as it is not an easy task to control every aspect and satisfy interests of each member state while being careful not to get trapped by anarchy. On the other hand, we need to be realistic and admit that rule of law is nowhere near its peak and there no equal opportunities for each individual to exercise its rights. The European Union is declining during the last decade, and even if it may not be the case in official records it is the case in human eyes and in perspective of its citizens, which is an issue that we should deal with as soon as possible. As the main objective of the EU should be equal treatments for all we should strive for equality and make clear distinction between its institutional goals and member states’ goals. We need to distinguish and seek for perfect balance between intergovernmental and supranational objectives in order to establish stable environment for all. Furthermore, another important notion that we need to advocate for is better approach for non-member states, as we can’t allow to push away non-members with wrong strategies.  

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Posted: Dec 15, 2020

EU accession and youth participation on local level

One of the main affected categories by the developments and politics of EU Integration will be the youth. Young people are at the heart of what many scholars refer to as “a crisis of representation in democracy”. In our country, also a fragile post-communist democracy, the situation of the youth is problematic, especially when it comes to participation in decision-making, within political parties or civil society organizations. Because young people are only discovering politics in a period of mistrust, protest, and growing abstention, these new parameters of their relationship to politics will probably continue to influence their future attitudes and behaviors.

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Posted: Dec 8, 2020

Youth jobs, schooling, filling the skills void of the workforce — the problem facing the people of Kosovo.

The strength and ability of the workers for whom it is able to adapt to the demands of the businesses can be considered to be one of the most significant factors impacting the development of a favourable atmosphere for other businesses. Kosovo has been marketed as one of the most appropriate investment destinations due to lower labour costs, allowing businesses to minimize running costs and to be more competitive on the market. However, in recent years, more emphasis has been provided in developing countries, especially in the countries of the European Union, to providing a professional workforce capable of responding to the needs of businesses.

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Posted: Dec 1, 2020

New opportunities for young people!

We live in a time of rapid and large changes that are leaving their mark on all humanity. The modern age brings us new opportunities for progress in cooperation with other countries. The path to the European Union is a great challenge for Serbia, but it also opens a large number of chances for progress. Although the report of the European Commission presented the progress of Serbia within the chapter "Education and Culture", it is still necessary to work on these topics. We see special concerns among young people who are quite worried about their future, especially when it comes to education.

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Posted: Nov 24, 2020


Opening chapters and fulfilling criteria in the European Union negotiations have been one of the main focus in the political progress of Western Balkan countries. Countries are aiming to coordinate the state of their progress with the criteria that EU has set, but deviations from the ideal model are more than present, and visible as well. When countries have a model to follow, it is quite simple to notice the amount of divergences that are putting a huge pause on any kind of progress. Western Balkan countries are lacking quality social policy, and the ones they are currently implementing are deviating from the goals that are set in Chapter 19 in the EU accession negotiations.

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Posted: Nov 17, 2020

The fact that citizens who make the workforce are leaving in large numbers and this certainly has negative effects on the economy

While the countries in the region are considering how to protect the health condition of their citizens, the burning problem of today is the departure of young people, but also their unemployment. The corona virus pandemic has brought great losses in terms of the economy, imports and exports of raw materials but also slowed down the world in all spheres. This is very worrying, because it is evident that the coronary virus pandemic will leave long-term consequences and lead to major global challenges.

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