Posted: Jan 17, 2020

Monumental 9 training: Call for participants

If you are active young person interested in making new touristic products/routs and offers/; If you are keen to culture, history, gastronomy and amazed with WW II Monuments design – you should apply for the 4 day training in Prijedor and get the opportunity to develop Monumental 9 project with partner organizations.

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Posted: Jan 15, 2020

Youth Fund “We have a say” : Call for proposals

Today, on the 16th of January 2020, we are officially launching the open call for proposals for the Youth Fund “We have a say” in the framework of the project Regional Youth Compact for Europe. 

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« January 2020 »
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The Internship programme: A possibility to both learn and apply experience

The internship period of Dajana Marinkovic in ALDA Skopje is coming to an end. She spent a month working with the Youth compact team in Skopje in December 2019. 

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Youth Fund “We have a say” : Call for proposals

Today, on the 16th of January 2020, we are officially launching the open call for proposals for the Youth Fund “We have a say” in the framework of the project Regional Youth Compact for Europe. 

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Monumental 9 training: Call for participants

If you are active young person interested in making new touristic products/routs and offers/; If you are keen to culture, history, gastronomy and amazed with WW II Monuments design – you should apply for the 4 day training in Prijedor and get the opportunity to develop Monumental 9 project with partner organizations.

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LDA Kosovo welcomes the intern from Albania

The internship programme of Regional Youth Compact for Europe has officially started in Kosovo on the 1st of February. LDA Kosovo welcomed its first intern from Albania, Xheni Shehaj.

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70 Dilde Yabancı Dil Seslendirme, Televizyon Reklam Filmleri, Kurumsal Tanıtım Filmleri, Radyo Reklam Spotları, Radyo Jingle ve Dj Jingle Servisi, Kapalı Devre Radyo, Mağaza Radyo, Mağaza Anons ve Kesintisiz Müzik Yayıncılık Sistemleri, IVR Seslendirme, Santral Anons ve Santral Seslendirme, Siyasi Parti Reklam ve Seçim Kampanyaları.

Seslendirme projeleriniz için şu alt başlıklarda sizlere hizmet sunmaktayız, Reklam Seslendirme, Santral Seslendirme, Tanıtım Filmi Seslendirme, Mağaza Anons Seslendirme, Haber Seslendirme, Perfore Seslendirme, Jingle Seslendirme, Seçim Seslendirme, Yabancı Dil Seslendirme, Animasyon Seslendirme, E-Kitap Seslendirme, DJ Jingle Seslendirme, Tesis Anonsu Seslendirme, Sesli Mesaj Seslendirme, Medikal Seslendirme, Belgesel Seslendirme, Sponsorluk Seslendirme, IVR Seslendirme, Eğitim Filmi Seslendirme, Santral Anons Seslendirme. Temsil etitğimiz ve anlaşmalı olan seslendirme ekibimiz sanatçıları projelerinize hayat vermek için sizleri bekliyor. En profesyonel yabancı dil seslendirme çözümlerine en uygun fiyatla sahip olmak istiyorsanız bize telefon, email veya canlı destek hattımız aracılığı ile ulaşmanız yeterli olacaktır.



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