
Ambassadors of knowledge - Knjazevac

LDA Knjazevac is working on another project which targets youth from Knjazevac. The main participants are elementary and high schools students. The main aim of the project is to train young people, more precisely 9 elementary and 6 high school students, to become young educators. The group was made from candidates, who applied on previously announced public call. The group went through a training titled "The techniques of educational theater" which was held during the summer.

Now, the young educators have the task of transferring the acquired knowledge to their peers. The topics that Young Educators will deal with are: prevention of violence, mediation, non-violent communication, conflict resolution, etc. Additionally, the young educators will volunteer in the continuous work of Info Point Knjaževac, which was established within the framework of the Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue.

On Saturday, November 4th, at 6pm, they held the first training on the topic: Why I became a volunteer? Every Tuesday, starting from November 7th, they will have one workshop percweek at the House of Partnership.

The project is implemented by LDA Knjazevac and financed by the municipality of Knjaževac.


LDA Knjaževac radi na još jednom projektu, čija je ciljna grupa-mladi. Radi se o mladima iz Knjaževca, obuhvaćeni su i osnovci i srednjoškolci. Projekat je zamišljen da grupa dece, tačnije 9 učenika iz osnovnih i 6 učenika iz srednjih škola postanu mladi edukatori. Nakon raspisanog Javnog poziva, učenici su prošli obuku-tehnikama edukativnog teatra, koja je održana tokom leta.

Sada Mladiedukatori imaju zadatak da stečeno znanje prenesu svojim vršnjacima.  Teme koje će Mladi edukatori obrađivati sa grupama su: prevencija nasilja, medijacija, nenasilna komunikacija, rešavanje konflikata itd. Pored toga, Mladi edukatori će pomagati kontinuiranom radu Info tačke Knjaževac, koja je osnovana u okviru projekta Regionalna platforma za učešće i dijalog mladih na Balkanu.

U subotu 4. novembra od 18 časova, održali su prvu edukaciju na temu: Zašto sam postao volonter? Svakog utorka, počevši od 7. novembra imaće jednom nedeljno radionicu u Kući partnerstva.

Projekat realizuje LDA Knj, a finansira opština Knjaževac.

Posted: Nov 6, 2017,
Categories: LDA Activities,
Comments: 0,
Author: Svetlana

« December 2020 »
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
30 1

New opportunities for young people!

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7 8

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14 15

EU accession and youth participation on local level

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21 22 23 24 25 26 27

“Cultours” – regional panel discussions

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BNLD welcomes the comeback of the democratic processes in the City of Mostar

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