
Politeia 2021: Politeia Goes Digital on the 7th of May

The Politeia school opens its doors again for the Balkan youth but this time virtually. The Center for Democracy Foundation’s traditional summer school will continue educate youngsters, this year through the project Regional Youth Compact for Europe in a new digital format. 

From 80 applicants for the Politeia school, 30 will have the opportunity to follow lectures and workshops on different topics about the European union, the role of youth as active citizens, the democracy in local communities and Western Balkans and much more. 

The new found international reality paved the way for the creation of the Politeia platform, a tool that will offer the participants of the activities to access the knowledge both in direct digital contact with the speakers but also to find necessary resources from previous editions of the school. 

The opening ceremony of the school will be held on May 7, 2021, starting with a panel entitled Youth in Western Balkans- Agents of change. You can follow the opening on the Facebook profile of the Centar for Democracy Foundation on the following link 

The following workshops will be held every Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm, and lectures every Tuesday and Thursday from 4 pm to 6 pm, until May 29, 2021 on the Politeia platform. 

The project is supported financially by the European Union with co-financing from the Balkan Trust for Democracy.

Posted: May 6, 2021,
Comments: 0,
Author: Svetlana

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Politeia 2021: Politeia Goes Digital on the 7th of May

The Politeia school opens its doors again for the Balkan youth but this time virtually. The Center for Democracy Foundation’s traditional summer school will continue educate youngsters, this year through the project Regional Youth Compact for Europe in a new digital format. 

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