The 4th Balkan youth forum for local democracy will take place from 14th to 17th May in Skopje. The topic of the forum is “Creativity and innovations towards active youth participation in the Balkans”.
The forum will gather members of the Regional Network for Local Democracy, representatives of local authorities, ministries of youth and sports, civil society organizations, national youth networks and high representatives from the region and the European Union.
The three-day forum will include an open conference divided into three thematic panels which will follow the welcoming speeches by higher representatives of the region and the EU. The participants will also attend workshops on the topic of culture and the youth representatives will participate in an organized visit to the Parliament of Macedonia during the forum days.
Finally, the findings and results of a comparative study about cultural participation involving five different Balkan countries will be presented.
The forum is being organized annually. It is co-funded by the Western Balkans Fund. It is part of the Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue, which is financed by the EU through the IPA programme.